How Do You Clean The Filter On A Honeywell Air Purifier?

Honeywell purifiers are one of the best in the industry. They effectively remove harmful particles like dust and pollen from the atmosphere like a standard air cleaner. Despite its effectiveness, its filters will get dirty over time, and you’ll wonder the right way to clean them.

First, turn off the device. Next, you take out the filters and clean or wash them, depending on how dirty they are. When you’re done, replace the filters but ensure they are dry before doing this.

Though it’s easy to clean out your filters, there are a few things you should know about this process. Besides, your air purifier filters are not something you clean out every day. Therefore, keep reading to learn more about the right way to maintain your Honeywell air cleaner.

How Many Times Should You Clean a Honeywell Air Purifier?

Cleaning routines matter if you want your air purifying device to last you a long time. Before cleaning, the first step is to know the device’s filters.

Generally, Honeywell air purifiers have three filters: prefilters, activated carbon filters, and HEPA filters. Each type has its function, but they work collectively to make your space a healthier place. These filters also have varying frequencies that determine how often you clean.

For instance, permanent HEPA filters could function for years and wouldn’t need regular cleaning. On the other hand, the prefilters need more care, and you might have to wash them every month or two.

Their mode of cleaning also differ. While some might require washing, others only require cleaning with a dry or moist cloth. Furthermore, a few factors determine how frequently you should clean your filters. These are:

How Often Do You Use the Device?

Typically, you’re supposed to leave the air purifier running every hour of the day. This way, it removes particles more effectively and gives no room for pollution. However, you might want to consider turning it off for a while to save spending more on light bills.

If you decide to leave it on 24/7, the filters will accumulate more dirt than when used occasionally. In this case, you’ll clean or replace the filters more often.

The Quality of Air in Your Space

If you reside in a highly contaminated area, your space is prone to have more pollutants flying around. This means that the purifier would be taking in more particles every hour. It also means that you have to maintain the filters more frequently if you want the device to function better.

In the same vein, if you live in a less polluted environment, your device works less and accumulates fewer particles. As a result, you won’t need to change the filters frequently.

Aside from this, some air cleaners have a mobile app that tells you the best time to clean the filters. If you don’t have this feature, you have to guess the right time to clean, which should be every few months.

How Do You Clean an Air Purifier?

If your device has begun to accumulate dirt, then it’s time for cleaning. This routine is a straightforward process as you only have to follow some steps.

Below are the step-by-step procedures you should follow to maintain your filters:

Unplug the Air Purifier

Never start cleaning without disconnecting the device from its electricity supply. If you do so, you’re putting yourself at risk.

Remove the Filters

Open the tower cap of the device and gently remove your HEPA filters. At this point, you determine if the filters need cleaning or replacing.

Shake the Filter

Take the filters outside and shake them to remove dust and larger particles. If your filters are not too dirty, a good shake might be all they need.

Clean Out the Filters

As mentioned earlier, the cleaning methods for each filter vary. If it’s a prefilter, wash it with warm water or any recommended solution. Use mild soap and a soft sponge.

If it’s a HEPA filter, run it under cold water. After this, spread the filter out to dry.

Clean the Entire Unit

While the filters dry, vacuum the remaining part of the device, including the interior. Afterwards, replace the filter, cover the device, and plug it back into the power outlet.

Can You Wash a Honeywell HEPA Filter?

When it comes to HEPA filters, if they aren’t labeled as washable or “permanent,” you shouldn’t clean them. Indeed, you can easily clean it by rinsing it with water, tapping off excess dust, or vacuuming. However, doing so might damage the fiber mesh that removes particles from the air.

Even if the filter appears in good condition, some fibers might have broken or stretched during cleaning. As a result, you’ll end up with a filter that seems to be reasonably clean but doesn’t filter effectively.

The structure of the fibers allows a HEPA filter to perform to its standards. If these fibers are stretched or torn, air passes through easily. In other words, the fibers won’t trap the contaminants.

It is also essential to maintain the frame’s structure. If you damage this frame during cleaning, air passes around the filter, not through it. So, while the device will appear to be working, it’s only taking in air and releasing it without filtering.

If the filter is washable or permanent, it may still work after washing or cleaning them. This is because these fibers are stronger and can stand more pressure.

Despite this, washable HEPA filters have no particular cleaning method. Therefore, you can’t say how they’ll perform after cleaning them. However, this means that you can take your chances to vacuum them and watch how they’ll function afterwards.

How Do You Clean a Honeywell Lifetime HEPA Filter?

Most experts will recommend replacing HEPA filters, not clean when dirty. However, if you must clean a HEPA filter, you have two options. The filter you have determines which method you should use.

If it’s a washable HEPA filter, you only need to run it through cold water. It would help to let the filter material come into contact with water but avoid touching it at all costs. Before reinstalling the filter, allow it to dry completely.

Before you do this, go through the user manual. Sometimes, you’ll find instructions on how to clean these filters properly. For example, in some vacuum filters, you only wash the device exterior while avoiding wetting the canister’s inner part.

Clean a HEPA filter that’s “permanent” by gently sucking dust and debris from the filter’s surface with a vacuum cleaner. These filters should not come in contact with water.

Why Shouldn’t You Clean a HEPA Air Filter?

The cleaning of a HEPA filter usually damages the fine mesh of fibers necessary for the filter to function correctly. Even if you’re confident that cleaning the filter won’t make it malfunction, there are other reasons cleaning isn’t recommended.

First, cleaning is a messy job as you’ll have to shake the dust off the filters to get started. Even if you take the filter outside, there’s a high chance of reintroducing the trapped pollutants into your home. So, what was the essence of the purifier in the first place?

The worst part is that you’ll be the first to inhale these pollutants you’ve been trying to avoid. Inhaling these harmful elements could trigger an allergic reaction like sneezing, coughing, and running eyes. It’s also a bad idea for a person who suffers from respiratory issues to shake out the dust.

The only method to prevent this is to wear a respirator. While respirators protect your nose and mouth, your eyes might still suffer the damage.

To clean your HEPA filter, you need another filter. This means that your vacuum cleaner must have a HEPA filter like your air purifier. Otherwise, you won’t be able to keep the particles in the vacuum cleaner canister; instead, you’ll send the particles flying.

Thye filter must also be completely dry before you can use it. A wet filter would only encourage mold growth, which could damage it in the future.

However, HEPA filters take a long time to dry; manufacturers recommend 24 hours. During this period, the device wouldn’t purify the air.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Clean a Honeywell Lifetime HEPA Filter?

The Honeywell lifetime HEPA filter is not washable; you can only clean it with a vacuum cleaner. Ensure to do this gently and avoid touching the mesh of fibers.

Do You Need to Disinfect a HEPA Filter?

No, you don’t need to disinfect a HEPA filter. You only need to wash it briefly with soap, a soft sponge, and water.

Note you can wash these filters if they are termed “washable.” If they’re not, use a vacuum cleaner and prevent them from getting wet.

How Long Do Honeywell HEPA Filters Last?

HEPA filters last depending on how you use them and your maintenance mode. Strong filters can last for a year and would need replacement afterwards. Softer models may require you to change them after four to six months.