People who have been using air purifiers for some time or intend to use them in the future might wonder whether these devices make the air dry. This is the most common question that arises in regard to air purifiers, and it is of essential importance to resolve this dilemma before deciding on a particular air purifier for your home. So, can air purifiers make the air dry?
An air purifier’s main feature is to remove dust and harmful particles from the indoor air, but they do not remove moisture from it as well. However, the indoor air might feel a little bit drier than usual if the air purifier works too fast and it is too big for a certain room, especially in winter.
Before you decide to purchase an air purifier, it is good to familiarize yourself with its features, so you would know what to expect. Many people are concerned about whether air purifiers remove moisture from the air since dry air can have a negative impact on people’s health, especially on the skin. Therefore, I have explained how this device works in detail and whether or not is a suitable appliance for your home.
Do Air Purifiers Reduce Moisture?
The most common question that arises in relation to air purifiers is whether or not these devices have the ability to reduce moisture from the indoor air. Many people who have been using air purifiers for some time have noticed that the levels of humidity in the air have changed, so it is logical that they would assume that the air purifier causes that. However, this is not true, even though it might seem like this home appliance is the cause for this.
It is important to point out that the main feature of an air purifier is to remove dust and other harmful particles from the air. This means that this kind of appliance does not have the ability to remove moisture from the air. Namely, there are different kinds of devices, called dehumidifiers that can do this when needed, but air purifiers do not come with this type of property.
To be more precise, devices, such as dehumidifiers, remove moisture from the indoor air, and during this process, their tanks fill up with water over some time. Air purifiers do not have any kind of tank inside, besides a filter, which serves to trap harmful particles. Therefore, there is no way for the air purifier to remove moisture from the indoor air because there is no space for storing that moisture.
However, it is also important to point out that air purifiers do not have the ability to increase the moisture in the indoor air as well. Their main purpose is to clean air inside a room or house, but not to reduce or increase the level of moisture. If you need something to increase the humidity inside a room, then you might use a humidifier.
Nonetheless, if you notice that the air inside your room or home becomes drier, you are not imagining stuff. Even though air purifiers do not have the ability to reduce moisture from the air, they can give that feeling due to several circumstances. You need to consider a few things before opting for a particular air purifier.
Namely, you need to pick the right size of an air purifier for a particular room in which you intend to use it. If an air purifier is too big for the room, it might give you the feeling that the air is drier than usual. In addition, this might also happen if the air humidifier works too fast for a long period of time.
That is why it is important to pick the type of your air purifier carefully, i.e. to pick the right size for the room or home. Otherwise, it might give off the feeling that reduces the moisture, so your skin may become quite sensitive and irritable. The absence of moisture in the air can also irritate your eyes, which can be quite unpleasant.
Therefore, to avoid these kinds of occurrences, make sure that you measure your room and pick the air purifier according to those measurements. Only then you will be on the safe side.
Can Air Purifiers Make The Air Dry?
It is a fact that air purifiers do not have a feature that allows them to dry the air, i.e. to remove the moisture from the indoor air. They are strictly designed to remove harmful particles and toxins that can be formed in the air inside. Therefore, their structure and functions do not support absorbing moisture from the air.
For instance, dehumidifiers have that kind of feature because they are designed with that idea in mind. This is why they come with trunks where they absorb the water from the indoor air. Air purifiers do not have that kind of structure, i.e. they only come with filters for cleaning the air from pollutants.
Air purifiers trap the polluted air inside the filter, and the purpose of the filter is to catch these harmful particles. Once they are inside the filter, the air purifier pulls out clean air inside your home. This means that the construction of the air purifier is not built to make the air dry, i.e. to remove moisture from the air.
When the air purifier traps contaminants inside its filter, this process does not affect the humidity levels inside a room or a house. In other words, air purifiers do not have the equipment in their machines to do such a thing. Therefore, you should not assume that an air purifier will remove the moisture from the indoor air.
Similar to dehumidifiers are air conditioners since they have the ability to dry out the air when they are turned on. So, if you use an air conditioner along with an air purifier, you should know that the former is responsible for your inside air being so dry. These appliances absorb the air from a room and produce fresh and dry air.
In short, you should not be afraid to use an air purifier because you think it might dry out the air. Dry air can be very unpleasant due to many reasons, but an air purifier will not be the cause for it. This being said, it means that you should not stop using your air purifier because you think that it dries your indoor air.
However, if the air inside your home becomes unusually and unsupportably dry, you should do something to change that. Dry air can be the cause for becoming sick in your home, therefore, it is necessary to consider something in that regard. Therefore, you can always opt for home humidifiers that are quite convenient for home use.
Are Air Purifiers Reason That Make Your Throat Dry?
Since I have established that air purifiers do not remove moisture from the indoor air, you might believe that this is a device that comes only with advantages. However, the fact that air purifiers do not make the air dry does not mean that they are perfectly harmless. There are some air purifiers that can be quite dangerous for your health and well-being and might cause some sicknesses, such as irritated and dry throat, red eyes, coughing, and so on.
Whether or not your air purifier is harmful depends on the components that are included in its structure. In other words, there are parts inside some air purifiers that are not considered safe, meaning that you have to be careful when picking out one for your home. To be more precise, air purifiers work in different ways, and some of them can be potentially harmful to your health.
For instance, air purifiers with ozone generators can be potentially harmful to your health because they generate ozone for killing germs and other bacteria fount in the air. However, inhaling ozone for a long time might be dangerous for a human health state. Usually, inhaling large amounts of ozone on a daily basis can majorly affect the respiratory system.
That is why, if you use this kind of air purifier, you might experience symptoms, such as dry and irritated throat, chest pain, cough, and so on. Due to this occurrence, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) does not recommend the use of air purifiers with ozone generators, even though they are effective when it comes to killing and destroying germs and bacteria.
Why Is My Air Purifier Making Me Cough?
If you are using an air purifier with a HEPA filter, you should not experience any types of irritation or cough. This is due to the fact that these types of filters are considered the safest since they do not release any harmful substances into the atmosphere. Therefore, it is recommended that you use an air purifier with a HEPA filter, i.e. an air purifier with mechanical filtration.
Air purifiers with mechanical filtrations are known to work the best without causing any irritation or cough, and they are especially convenient for people who are suffering from asthma and similar respiratory illnesses.
On the other hand, if you are experiencing a cough and similar irritation to your throat, you should consider that there is some type of issue with your air purifier that does not suit you. I am not talking about a malfunctioning issue with your air purifier, but rather the way in which it operates. For instance, you may experience some discomforting symptoms, if you are using an air purifier with ozone generators.
As I mentioned before, ozone generators are considered harmful, and they are not recommended for use, especially for people who are already suffering from some kind of respiratory issues. Air purifiers that include ozone generators might cause you irritations and cough. This is because they release particles that are good for killing germs and toxins, but not for people’s health and well-being.
These releases in the air are harmful both for people who are suffering from respiratory illnesses and those who do not. In fact, ozone or ionic air purifiers might cause the development of such illnesses, and that is why it is better to avoid them. If you use this kind of air purifier, and notice such irritations, you should consider getting rid of the air purifier, and switching for those who work on the basis of HEPA filters.
However, if you are already using an air purifier with a HEPA filter, and still experience dry throat and cough, then you might want to consider using a humidifier. The irritations might arise due to the fact that you are using your air purifier in a very small room all the time, or it might be due to cold weather outside, especially in winter. Usually, in winter, the air is drier, meaning that it affects the indoor air as well.
That is why an air humidifier might be of great help in this situation. Luckily, you can freely use an air purifier and an air humidifier at the same time and in the same room. A little bit of humidity will really ease up your breathing, especially if you are experiencing some symptoms.
Also, humidity might help if you are experiencing dry skin, which can be really uncomfortable, especially during cold winter days. You will see that breathing will become easier, and the change will be especially felt by those who are suffering from asthma or some other respiratory illnesses.
As you can see, air purifiers cannot make the air dry since they do not have that kind of feature, and they do not have the structure to absorb moisture from the air. Therefore, if you are experiencing dry indoor air, you might consider using a humidifier without getting rid of your air purifier.